Thursday, June 14, 2007

Church Aboard a Boat


A novelty in church services has been supplied by the German Lutheran Zion Congregation of the Flatbush section of Brooklyn. One of their number, who owns a steamboat, gave its use to the pastor, the Rev. Paul F. Jubelt. He organized an excursion on it sixty miles up the Hudson, which would combine the regular church service on board with the ordinary routine of a day's outing on the water. The church choir was aboard and led in the singing.

What One Grain of Wheat Did

Did you ever stop to think of the possibilities of a grain of wheat? We are so used to seeing the field sown with wheat and the crop come up and ripen that we quite forget how each little grain does a great work through the summer days in multiplying and adding to the farmer's harvest. A farmer near Phoenix, Arizona, planted one grain of white Australian wheat, and at harvest time from it had sprung 1,360 grains of large, fat wheat. He planted ten acres of this wheat and harvested 177 sacks, each weighing 138 pounds. The single grain spoken of produces 36 stalks, so you see even a grain of wheat helps wonderfully.

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