Sunday, June 10, 2007

Birthday Surprise Party for Rev. H. P. Lane

California, 1916

Rev. Henry P. Lane, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, was pleasantly surprised Monday evening at his home, when a number of the members and friends of the congregation arrived to celebrate his fifty-eighth birthday.

In order that the pastor might forget that he was growing older, most of the guests came dressed as children. This group of "grownups" made merry during the evening, playing all the children's games that could be thought of, and in which the pastor heartily took part.

As a token of deep appreciation, N. P. Smith, on behalf of those present and others not present, presented to Rev. Lane fifty-eight crisp one-dollar bills, one for each year of his life. The gift was visibly a surprise indeed, and in his acceptance Rev. Lane expressed his sincere expression of good will.

Mrs. Lane, the hostess, had arranged refreshments, which were greatly relished at the close. Among those present from out of town were Herrick Lane and wife, of Eagle Rock and Paul Lane of Catalina, both sons of Rev. Lane.

—The Van Nuys News, Van Nuys, CA, Feb. 4, 1916, p. 1.

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