Saturday, June 23, 2007

Trumpet Calls — Sentence Sermons


Ram's Horn Sounds Warning Note to Unredeemed

Wine opens the damper to let all the fires of evil in a man burn.

God sends danger only where he has first sent courage.

To love an enemy is a sure way to please Christ.

A brewer's horse fares better than a drunkard's child.

Bridget starts her fire with coal oil. The devil uses alcohol.

The man who does not look ahead will soon have to fall back.

There is no sign that a man inflamed with drink may not commit.

Every moderate drinker is leading an army of boys toward the pit.

If we not hear God to-day, he may refuse to hear us to-morrow.

Appetite for drink is the devil's iron chain on the drunkard's neck.

The easiest time to let drink alone is before the first drink is taken.

It is when we are most helpless that Christ is most willing to help us.

The sparkle in the wine is made by one of the devil's sharpest teeth.

It is a long step toward heaven to be born in a home where Christ is loved.

One of the hardest things for some men to forgive is a difference in creed.

The man who serves the devil has to begin his day's work before breakfast.

Many a man puts his family in the dark to help the saloon pay its gas bill.

Many a man has started out to reform the world, and stopped at the first house.

The devil has gained his point when he convinces us that little sins work no ill.

The man who begins by drinking some time may end by having to drink all the time.

No man can grind down another without first placing his own soul under the millstone.

The Christian should never complain of his hard fortune while he knows that Christ is his friend.

If you would teach children to hate drink, give them the first lesson before they leave the cradle.

The man who has not decided that he will never drink, has more than half decided that he will drink.

When a man gets up early in the morning to drink, he is apt to spend the day in doing nothing else.

Our money is not doing us the good God would have it do us, if it is not doing anybody else any good.

If you are in the habit of going to sleep in church, you do not help the preacher any by occupying a front seat. — Ram's Horn.

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