Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Friends Church: "You Need Baptism of The Holy Ghost"

Ohio, 1916

Increased Attendance at Friends Church Revival

Large crowds attended the revival services at the Friends Church, Sunday. Last night it was necessary to throw open the Sunday School room. Seven persons presented their names for membership.

In his sermon in the morning the pastor spoke on the need of "Divine Equipment for Service." In part he said: God not only wants to save men from sin, but prepare them for service. It is not enough to have your sin pardoned, but you need the baptism of the Holy Ghost to give you power to do. This is the crying need of the church to-day. In the days of Finney, Edwards and the Wesleys it is claimed less than fifteen per cent of the converts backslid. In our day less than this number stand and all because we do not preach a full gospel.

In the evening his subject was "God's Estimate of the Value of a Soul." He said that no soul has ever gone so low but what Jesus goes beneath that one to lift him up. It is an abomination in the sight of Heaven for church people to talk about trash. All men are human beings, and have a soul and the soul of a poor harlot or drunkard is as precious in the eyes of Jesus Christ as that of the President or a King. When you hear a person talk about trash you may rest assured that that person is dirtier than the "trash" they talk about. The mission of Jesus is to put all men on an equality. Blind Bartimaeus had to be lifted up, while the self-righteous Zacchaeus had to come down, and the two met on the same platform.

Meetings to night at 7:30. Special prayer and inquiry meeting at 6:30. Special music at every service.


Rev. Hugh Willard Hanna tendered his resignation as pastor of the First Presbyterian Church of Kenton, "for the sake of peace and harmony." His resignation caused general surprise as he was called to the pastorate in June, 1914, from Freeport, Pa.

—The Van Wert Daily Bulletin, Van Wert, Ohio, Feb. 21, 1916.

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