Thursday, June 21, 2007

Watch Night Dec. 31, 1900 Leads To Revival

Iowa, 1901

The watch night meeting in the Methodist church, which was a season of wonderful interest, has been followed by revival services each night except Saturday night. There has been a steady and perceptible increase in the results of the meeting and the prospect for a good work is encouraging.

Sabbath afternoon a children's meeting was held, and every child present was at the altar and nearly all of them prayed. The congregations are good and there is the best of order in all classes. The young people have done themselves credit by their excellent behavior and attention. The pastor, Rev. Cozier, is much gratified at the praise-worthy conduct of the young men and women of the town while at church, and the attention given to the preaching.

There are afternoon meetings this week at 2:30, to which everybody is cordially invited, especially the professed Christians of Humeston and vicinity. Every friend of the cause and believer in Jesus Christ has an opportunity now to show their loyalty and devotion to the Master.

—Humeston New Era, Humeston, Iowa, Jan. 9, 1901.

Penny Concerts

One of the churches of Chester, Pennsylvania has introduced what is a novelty there — a penny concert. These concerts are held in the church on each Friday evening, being chiefly designed for children. The children has always been crowded on these occasions, both little and big people attending in great numbers. They are charged 1 cent admission to an entertainment that is worth many times more, and which is wholesome and instructive. The smaller children are always given the center seats in front, the larger ones the side seats. It is so distinctively an affair for children that the big people who attend have to content themselves with the back seats if there are any left.

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