Thursday, June 14, 2007

"The Walking Bible" Visits Nazarene Church

Illinois, 1910

Church of the Nazarene

Revival extraordinary at the First Church of the Nazarene. In connection with the general revival movement that is now sweeping the city, the First Church of the Nazarene, 6417 Eggleston avenue, Rev. C. E. Cornell, pastor, began a special series of evangelistic services Wednesday.

Rev. Bud Robinson of Texas, one of the most unique and successful evangelists in America, will preach each night except Saturday. This is Mr. Robinson's third visit to this church. On each of the former visits the church was packed to the doors and hundreds were seeking the Lord. Bud is called "The Walking Bible." He can now quote accurately seven or eight thousand passages of scripture. He is a man of deep spirituality, keen, logical, witty and knows how to bring things to pass.

The church has been praying for weeks that this revival will exceed anything in its history. There will be Bible readings Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday afternoons at 2:30. Thursday of each week will be devoted to fasting and prayer from 10:30 a.m. to four p.m. The public are cordially invited to hear this remarkable man.

Ashland Christian Revival

Evangelistic meetings will commence at the Ashland Christian church in the Masonic hall at 6319 Ashland avenue, and continue indefinitely. The distinguished evangelists, W. P. Brooks, Papps and Lewis, will be the speakers and no better team is known than they. Eloquent, earnest and elevating and they will doubtless draw big crowds at every service. Everyone is invited.

—Suburbanite Economist, Chicago, Oct. 28, 1910.

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