Sunday, June 17, 2007

All Should Give Thanks

Nov. 1912

Every Life and Every Heart in the Land Has Some Occasion for Gratitude

In their proclamations designating tomorrow as Thanksgiving day, the president and the governors of states have set forth in dignified and due order reasons why the people of this country should give thanks.

But every life and every heart in all the land has some occasion for special utterance of gratitude. Formal, official proclamations from the highest executive authorities may furnish suggestions for equally formal prayers in churches tomorrow, prayers in acknowledgment of divine favors received by us as a people and as individuals.

Cruden condenses the teachings of New Testament writers into his definition of thanksgiving: "An acknowledging and confessing, with gladness, the benefits and mercies which God bestows either upon ourselves or others."

As "every heart knoweth its own sorrow," so every life knows its own occasion for gratitude. And no heart has so great sorrow and no life so sad mourning but reason for thanksgiving is manifested in just those "benefits and mercies."

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