Wednesday, June 6, 2007

M. Emile Coue's Idea is Subject of Sermon

California, 1922

M. Emile Coue's Gospel of Auto-Suggestion will be the subject of the sermon at the First Unitarian church tomorrow morning by Rev. Clarence Reed, the pastor. In speaking of the reasons of selecting this sermon topic, Rev. Reed stated: "The Living Age, in commenting upon the interest in the addresses and clinic of M. Coue during his recent visit to England, says he is the most talked of man in London. Lord Curzon, the foreign minister of Great Britain, states that he was recently cured of a serious ailment in ten days by the methods of M. Coue, after all other treatments had failed.

"During the past two months, edition after edition has been exhausted of M. Coue's little book, 'Self Mastery Through Conscious Auto-Suggestion,' in which he explains in simple and clear language his theory and method of auto-suggestion.

"This great French psychologist has had a clinic at Nancy, France, for twenty years, and during that time many persons have been restored to health through the use of conscious auto-suggestion. There is nothing mysterious, supernatural and occult in his method. He does not claim to have cured a single person. They cure themselves."

Rev. Reed states that he will speak of the value of the method of M. Coue, not only in the treatment of physical diseases, but also in the development of moral character.

Unusual interest is being manifested in the course of addresses that Rev. Reed is giving in Wendte hall of the church. The subject tomorrow evening at 8 will be "The Historical Jesus and the Mythical Christ." His purpose in these addresses, according to Rev. Reed, is to state the authentic facts in regard to the life and teachings of Jesus. At the close of his address, within the limit of the time, he will answer any written question on the Bible in the light of modern Biblical research.

—Oakland Tribune, Oakland, CA, Oct. 7, 1922, p. 2 last section.

Coue System Old, Says Pastor

The ideas emphasized by Emile Coue, the French apostle of auto-suggestion are not new, according to Rev. Clarence Reed, pastor of the First Unitarian church, who pointed out in his sermon yesterday on "Emile Coue's Gospel of Self Mastery Through Auto-Suggestion," that the idea was thousands of years old.

"His great contribution," declared Rev. Reed, "is that he has given to the world in language easy to understand a helpful philosophy of life and placed within the reach of every person a method which will tend to keep people healthy and help them recover their health when they become sick.

"The fame of Coue is rapidly spreading throughout the world. In every land people are discussing the remarkable cures resulting from the clinic in his garden in Nancy, France, where he treats about 40,000 patients a year. Day by day the people come to Coue's home in great pain and mental distress. Many of them go away cured in body and happy in mind without the use of drugs, operations, physical exercises or special system of diet.

"Although he is a man of very moderate means Coue does not make any charge for imparting his method to others, nor does he accept money from those who consult him. He has not only used his own money in making experiments to ascertain the value of auto-suggestion but he has also freely given his life to the service of mankind. He often works fifteen hours a day in his clinic, although he is seventy years of age."

—Oakland Tribune, Oakland, CA, Oct. 9, 1922, p. 11.

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