Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Need of Tenderness


The grace of tenderness, for it is a grace, should be cultivated for its own sake as well as its invaluable aid in our service for the Master.

True tenderness modulates the voice, illuminates the face and presents the word of life in a spirit of gentleness, which wins a hearing for even unwelcome truths. The world is in need of just such tenderness as was manifested by our Lord, and we as His disciples can render no better service to Him than reflecting His tender sympathy as we pass along life's journey.

People long for tenderness. Harsh measures never won a soul to higher things. Sympathy is the magic key by which we may gain access to hungry, aching hearts. Tenderness may be developed by studying the character of our Master. He recognized the innermost longings of weary mankind, and met this yearning with infinite tenderness and pity. Surely we as His followers should imitate Him to the best of our ability along this line.

Let us determine by the help of the Holy Spirit never to be betrayed into harshness. The world is hard and cold enough without you and I adding to its burden. Rather let us seek by tenderness and sympathy to aid some soul to reach a firmer foundation, and bring joy and peace to some little corner of earth. — George D. Gelwicks.

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