Friday, June 29, 2007

Easter Sunday Comes April 23, 1905


Only nine times in two and one quarter centuries has Easter fallen as late as it does this year. Only five times in this period has it come later in the spring than it does in 1905, and it is not possible for it to fall more than two days later. In all of the time from 1786 to 2013 there is not an occasion when it falls later than April 25, and only twice does it come on this day of the month. During this period it will come three times on April 24 and four times on the 23d.

This year Easter Sunday. will be celebrated on April 23. This is the latest date since 1886, when it came on April 25, the latest date possible. As a result of a late Easter, Lent, of course, came correspondingly late and this meant a very long social season. Lent came as early as February 4, and as late as March 10, but it more often begins from the middle to the latter part of February, thus cutting off the gaiety of the social season right at its height.

The lateness of Easter and Lent this year will be appreciated by the ladies of the city for many reasons, some of which may perhaps seem trivial, but nevertheless they are of considerable moment to them. In the first place the lengthening of the social season is really a treat, then Lent is always taken advantage of by many as a time to prepare the spring and summer wearing apparel. While they are not kept out of the swirl of society by their regard for religious duty, they use the time in making up their clothes and the hum of the sewing machines is the prevailing sound in the household during this season. Because the beginning of Lent came so late this year all the spring and summer fabrics will be on display in the stores and they can have the latest there is to begin on at once.

Everyone knows what a pleasure it is to wear new Easter bonnets on Easter Sunday, and what a disappointment it is to the woman who has purchased a beautiful spring blossom of a picture hat, when she wakes up Easter morn to see the snow on the ground and the mercury hovering about the zero mark. With Easter falling so late there is only a slight possibility that the weather will be unfavorable.

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