Sunday, April 15, 2007

"Getting Religion": Happenings at Local Churches

Winnipeg, 1915

Mr. Whiting will preach in Young church, Broadway and Sherbrook, on Sabbath night on "Britain's Allies and Our Final Triumph." The factors that enter into the account and conspire to victory — as over and against the strength of all our enemies — drink included, will be canvassed. The extreme Socialistic position that "the individual is no more" will receive attention. Mr. Hobbeshaw will sing. Hundreds will want to attend this service, and as usual, early coming will be the order. In the morning Mr. Whiting's subject is "Getting Religion," and will be worth a large hearing. His 5-minute talk to children will be on "The Best Aim." Mrs. Musgrove and Miss Forrester will sing at the morning service.

At 3 p.m., Sunday, Dr. William Evans (of the World's Bible Conference), will take as his subject at a special afternoon service: "How to Use the Bible in Meeting Objections," at Elm chapel, corner Sherbrook street and Ellice avenue.

"Respectable Sins" will be the subject of a special sermon at Grace church Sunday evening, when the pastor, Rev. J. E. Hughson, will preach. Dr. C. R. Avison, of Toronto, will speak at the morning service on the subject: "Has the Church Failed in Corea."

Rev. Horace Westwood, D.D. of All Souls' Unitarian church, announces a new series of Sunday morning sermons commencing Sunday, April 18, under the general title of "The Lord's Prayer in Modern Life." The subjects will be as follows:
April 18 — "Can the Modern Man Pray 'Our Father Who Art in Heaven'?"
April 25—"God's Dream for Humanity 'The Coming of the Kingdom.'"
May 2—"Can the Finite Know the Will of the Infinite? 'Thy Will Be Done.'"
May 9—"Should it be Necessary to Pray? 'Give Us This Day Our Daily Bread.'"
May 16—"Does Forgiveness Harmonize With Justice? 'Forgive Us Our Trespasses.'"
On Sunday night he will speak on the much discussed Sabbath question, "The Use and Abuse of the Sabbath."

The Rev. A. E. Ribourg, assistant rector of Holy Trinity church, will take for his subject next Sunday evening: "Modern Society and Christian Ethics."—"Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness."

At All Saints' church tomorrow morning the members of the Brotherhood of St. Andrew will unite with the men of the parish in making their corporate communion at the 8 a.m. celebration of the Holy Eucharist.

The Young Women's club of Central Congregational church will meet Sunday at 3 p.m. "The Queen of Italy, or a Girl and Her Environment" will be Mrs. Hamilton's subject. All young women are cordially invited to attend this class. Tea will be served at 5 o'clock.

Rev. W. J. Hindley, pastor of Central Congregational church, and ex-mayor of Spokane, will deliver an address at the evangelistic meeting in Starland theatre Sunday afternoon. His subject will be "Religious Emphasis in Modern Life." His handling of this subject will no doubt be most interesting. Miss Brown, who sang so acceptably last Sunday, will sing. The moving picture film will show the Birth of Christ, and facts and legends of the Holy Family.

—Manitoba Free Press, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, April 17, 1915, page 8, probably the second section.

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