Monday, April 23, 2007

Winnipeg Sermons: "Should We Say Grace Before Meat?"

Winnipeg, January 10, 1915

Broadway Baptist — Rev. A. T. Sowerby, M.A., Ph.D., LL.D., pastor. Morning, "The Most Welcome Visitor." Evening, "Walking Into a Trap."

Christians Gathered in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ — Morning, "To Remember the Lord." Evening, a gospel meeting. Nassau Street Baptist — Rev. William Hay, preaching. Morning, "The Supreme Need of the Hour." Evening, "All For a Scrap of Paper." Children's talk will be on the Union Jack. Men's meeting discussion on "Are the Social Principles of Christ's Teaching Practicable in Modern Life?"

St. Stephen's (Presbyterian) — Rev. Charles W. Gordon, D.D., LL.D., minister. Associate, Rev. Charles G. Paterson, D.D. The evening service will be conducted by Dr. Paterson, the subject, "God Our Father." An afternoon meeting of Brotherhood will feature an address on Kipling's "If" by Rev. Dr. Elliott of Wesley College.

First Baptist — Pastor, Rev. A. N. Marshall, B.A. Morning, "Should We Say Grace Before Meat?" Evening, "As a Young Man, What Do You Stand For and Stand Against?"

Clifton Presbyterian — Rev. J. B. Clyde, B.A. Morning, "New Light on the Doctrine of Immortality." Evening, "Jehovah or Jesus, Which?"

Knox Church (Presbyterian) — Rev. F. B. DuVal, D.D., pastor. Morning, "The Heart of Things." Rev. Donald M. Solandt, M.A., B.D., assistant in the evening, "The War That Will End War."

St. Giles' Presbyterian — Rev. W. A. Maclean, minister. Rev. Dr. A. J. Myers, of Toronto, will preach in the morning. The minister will preach in the evening on "Religious Life Under Changed Conditions."

King Memorial — Rev. D. N. McLachlan, minister. He will preach at both services. Only the evening subject is given, "Great Britain and Germany in the Light of Christianity."

First English Lutheran — Rev. P. E. Baisler, B.A., B.D., pastor. Morning, "The Christian's Relation to the Non-Christian World." Evening, "The Millennium."

Olivet Baptist — Rev. E. B. Chesnut preaching. Morning, "The Age-long Struggle Between the Seed of the Woman and the Seed of the Serpent." Evening, "Twelve Things Which Are An Abomination in the Sight of God." Westminster Church (Presbyterian) — Rev. David Christie, D.D., minister. Morning, "The Question Mark Men Carry About With Them." Evening, "The Reality of Unseen Help."

—Manitoba Morning Free Press, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, January 9, 1915, page 16.

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