Saturday, April 21, 2007

Sermons — "Sin Under the Microscope"

New Castle, Pennsylvania, 1930

Highland United Presbyterian — C. J. Williamson, minister. At the evening service, the sermon topic, "I Didn't Mean Any Harm."

First Methodist Episcopal — Rev. H. C. Weaver, pastor. Morning Worship, "Youth Yields to Divine Wooing." Evening, "The First Lay Preachers."

First Baptist — Rev. Geo. M. Landis, pastor. Morning, "The Lord of Glory and the Glory of the Lord." Evening, "Sin Under the Microscope."

Emmanuel Baptist — Floyd A. Childs, pastor. Morning, "Christ the Rejected." Evening, "The Early Disciples of Christ."

The Reformer Presbyterian — Rev. E. A. Crooks, minister. Morning, "The Restored Glory of Jesus." Evening, "The Son of Man."

First Presbyterian — Minister, Rev. W. E. McClure, DD. Morning theme, "A Jailer Converted at Midnight." Evening worship theme, "Sacrifice — The Basic Element in Christianity."

Second United Presbyterian — Rev. A. J. Randles, minister. Morning, "The Best Dish at the Banquet." Evening, "Responsibility for Others."

First Christian — G. E. Bennett, pastor. Morning, "The Conversion of Paul." Evening, "The Mount of Decision."

Saint Andrew's Episcopal — George L. Grambs, minister-in-charge. Evening, "Man and the Son of Man."

First Congregational — Pastor, Rev. Rees T. Williams. Welsh service in the morning, "The Exercise of Godliness." English service in evening, "Man's True Home in God."

St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran — Rev. A. M. Stump, pastor. German services in the morning, "Unbelief's Despair." English in the evening, "God's Fragments Exceed Man's Whole Substance."

Italian M.E. — Rev. John Ruggiero, pastor. Morning, "The Need of a Spiritual Awakening."

Greenwood M.E. — Rev. R. B. Withers, pastor. Morning, "Go Ye."

St. Luke's A.M.E. Zion — Rev. G. H. Coffey, minister. Morning, "The Lost Savior, They Have Taken My Jesus Away and I Know Not Where to Find Him." Evening, "Auto Washing."

Greek Orthodox — Rev. J. Papachristou, pastor. "The Education Inspired by God."

Central Presbyterian — Rev. C. B. Wingerd, pastor. Morning, "Holding on the Horns." Evening, "Cashing In."

Third United Presbyterian — Rev. S. B. Copeland, pastor. Morning, "The Angel of Hope." Evening, "Christ as a Priest."

Primitive Methodist — Rev. W. C. Tyrrell, pastor. Morning, "How to Create the Grace of Giving." Evening, "A Presumptuous Impulsive Man's Downfall and Recovery."

First Spiritualist — Lectures by H. F. Mehlman, subject, "Where Are the Dead," messages by Ed Whiteman and local mediums.

Emanuel Evangelical — Rev. J. Pinkbeiner, pastor. German preaching in morning, "The Kindling of Divine Fire." English in evening, "A Revival of Religion."

Spiritual Services — A grand circle to be held. A demonstration of spirit return, mediums.

Second Baptist — Rev. W. W. Nelson, minister. Morning, "A Consciousness of Our Responsibilities to God." Evening, "Filling a Vacancy."

Castle Hill Mission — L. Schmidt, evangelist superintendent. Meeting at 3 p.m., "Confessing and Forsaking."

Union Baptist — Rev. C. D. Henderson, pastor. Evening sermon, "The Danger of Heart Murder."

Spiritualist Church of Truth — Lesson and preaching at 8 p.m., subject, "True Religion," with demonstration of spirit return, Mrs. A. E. Guthrie in charge.

Alliance Gospel Tabernacle — Rev. E. C. Anderson, pastor. Morning, "Behold Your King." Evening, evangelist service, "Christ in Bonds."

First Church of Christ, Scientist — "Reality."

Bethel A.M.E. — Rev. William Hodge, pastor. Morning, "Seeking the Lost Sheep." Evening, message by Rev. C. D. Henderson, "The Test of Negro Leadership."

Hoover Heights Tabernacle — Rev. Milton J. Scripture, pastor. Morning, "The Destiny of the Church." Evening evangelistic service, "Christ's Return to Earth."

Bethany Lutheran — Rev. Oscar Woods, pastor. "The Lord Feeds the Hungry."

—New Castle News, New Castle, Pennsylvania, March 29, 1930, page 6.

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