Friday, April 27, 2007

Eccentric Farmer Deeds Property to Lord, Wouldn't Die

Ohio, 1901


Farmer Didn't Have His Hair Cut for 35 Years—Deeded Property To The Lord.

Clyde, 0., Jan. 30.—David Wyant, an eccentric farmer who was buried at Five Points a few days ago, deeded his property to the Lord, but his children will get it. The deed was made several years ago, but Wyant's brother paid the taxes on the place until Wyant's son was old enough to take care of it. It has been decided that the deed to the Lord is not valid.

Excepting his peculiar religious notions Wyant was like other men. He was a successful farmer and had considerable money. For 35 years he let his hair grow. He believed that he had power over death and would not pass away like other people but would go straight up to heaven in the flesh. He was 73 years of age.

—Newark Daily Advocate, Newark, Ohio, January 30, 1901, page 1.

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