Tuesday, April 24, 2007

1930 Revival Draws Large Crowds

Danville, Virginia, 1930

Rev. Roy T. Jarrett, of the Trinity M. E. church, Lynchburg, continued his revival services when he delivered a powerful message to a large congregation last night at the Third Avenue Christian church. Rev. Jarrett took as his subject "Witnessing for Christ," his text being from John 1:41-42: "He first findeth his own brother Simon, and saith unto him, We have found the Messias, and he brought him to Jesus."

Mr. Jarrett pictured vividly the characteristics of Andrew, brother of Simon Peter as a witness and soul winner for his Lord, and showed plainly the necessary qualifications for witnesses and soul winners.

The subject for tonight will be "The personality of the Devil," and on Thursday night "Hell."

The song service rendered each evening is proving very popular and are under the direction of J. W. Dixon, choir leader of the church. These services will continue through Sunday, May 18.

—The Bee, Danville, Virginia, May 7, 1930, page 10.

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