Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Future for Israel Great

Iowa, 1922

Net Result of War Palestine's Liberation, Says Evangelist

"The Israelite, a Missing Link in the Philosophy of History," was the subject of an interesting lecture delivered by Dr. J. W. Lawrance, evangelist, at the Bettendorf Tabernacle Thursday evening. Dr. Lawrance said the one net result of the World war, which cost millions of lives and billions of dollars, was doubtless the liberation of Palestine from the control of the Turk.

"Scripture prophecy outlines for Israel as a nation a great future," said Dr. Lawrance. "Although for 2,500 years they have suffered under the chastening rod of God, yet God's mercy has not departed from them. They are the indestructible nation, and now we observe a great nationalist revival among them in Zionism. The present movement may fail for the time being, but it has offered a striking opportunity to see the national virility of this people, even though, for a few centuries, they have been scattered and have not had a national life or home."

—The Davenport Democrat and Leader, Davenport, Iowa, April 14, 1922, page 14.

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