Sunday, April 29, 2007

Churchmen Refute 'Man Descended From Horse' Theory



Man was created in the image of God — not of a horse.

Such, at any rate, was the answer yesterday of Chicago fundamentalists to the assertion made before the American Museum of Natural History, that man is a "quadruped turned up on end" and descended from the same family tree as the horse.

Said his holiness the metropolitan, Theophilus, head of the Russian-Greek Orthodox Church of North America, here for bishops' conference:

"Despite scientific theories, I, for one, prefer to cling to the Biblical account of the creation, and believe that God made man, a higher being, after His own image."

"Unfortunately I was not an eyewitness either at the creation of man or of the horse," said Dr. J. Oliver Buswell, president of Wheaton college, "but the suggestion of horse and man being in any way related strikes me as ridiculous."

James Watt, company servant of Jehovah's Witnesses, added:

"Everybody who ever read the Bible knows that Adam was the first man and that Jehovah created him. To say that man is even a distant relation to a horse is to deny the holy writ."

—The Hammond Times, Hammond, IN, Nov. 18, 1936, p. 7.

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