Sunday, April 29, 2007

Simple But Impressive Sermons for Good Friday

Pittsburgh, 1889


Simple But Impressive Ceremonies at St. Andrew's Church.

Good Friday was observed in a very impressive manner yesterday afternoon in St. Andrew's Church, on Ninth street. The observance brought a large number of clergymen together to urge Christian unity. Rev. Dr. White opened the service by prayer.

Six short sermons were preached upon words spoken by Jesus from the cross. Rev. Dr. Cowan's text was, "Father, Forgive Them, They Know Not What they Do," Rev. Dr. McMillan spoke on the words "Verily I Say Unto Thee, To-day Shalt Thou be With Me in Paradise," Rev. Dr. Sproull's text was "Woman, Behold Thy Son," Rev. Dr. Felton preached from the words, "My God, My God, Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me?" Rev. Howard B. Grose explained the words, "I Thirst," Rev. Mr. Meech's subject was, "It is Finished," and Rev. Mr. McKay's was, "Father, Into Thy Hands I commend My Spirit."

—The Pittsburgh Post, Pittsburgh, PA, April 20, 1889, page 2.

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