Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Epitaph on One Busy Pastor's Tombstone


Pastor's Busy Life

The epitaph on the tombstone of the late Dr. Rees Bronant, in Cardiganshire, sets out the following facts in Welsh: He christened 1,496 children, he buried 1,792 persons, he preached 8,000 sermons, he spoke 271 times on total abstinence, he paid hundreds of pounds of chapel debts by lectures.

Power of Ideal

No one can cherish an ideal, and devote himself to its realization from year to year, and strive and struggle and make sacrifices for its attainment, without undergoing a certain gracious transformation, of which the highest powers must be aware and men can hardly miss. — John White Chadwick.

The Fiery Cross

The fiery cross was an ancient summons to arms used in the Scottish Highlands, and was sent by swift messengers from place to place. It was a small cross of light wood, the extremities of which were set on fire, and then dipped in the blood of a goat. This custom is said to have also been in use among the Goths.

Daily Thought

Every man stamps his value on himself; the price we challenge for ourselves is given us. — Schiller.

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