Saturday, April 28, 2007

Pastor Defends Proposition of Existence of Real Angels

Lincoln, NE, 1909


Dr. Herbert Yeuell Defends Proposition of Their Existence.

The sermon of the evening at the First Christian church last night by Dr. Herbert Yeuell was upon the theme, "Why the Angels Rejoice." The Bible reading was from the fifteenth chapter of Luke, containing the greatest of all parables, the "Prodigal Son." The usual spirited song service was conducted by Prof. A. F. Buss.

A touching solo was sung by Mr. Sturgiss, entitled "Jesus is the One."

The text of the sermon was from the tenth verse of the fifteenth chapter of Luke, "There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth."

Dr. Yeuell unequivocally and firmly defended the proposition of the real existence of real angels. The fact that we have never seen an angel is no proof that none exist. Neither have we seen gravity or ether or air. We take many things upon faith in the affairs of life. It is only fair to take spiritual things upon faith as well. The whirring of angels' wings are heard throughout all of the history of God's universe, and the development of His people.

The evangelist scored the doctrine of spiritualism and deplored the confusion that its advocates have spread. The angels of God are not dark winged shakers of tables, giving weird knocks and signs. The angels of God are creatures of real dignity and power. They are real instrumentalities of God, in working out his purposes in sacred and profane history.

Their song, "Glory to God, Peace on Earth, Good Will to Men," has reverberated throughout the whole Christian era.

Dr. Yeuell maintained that figuratively the humble followers and doers of God's will upon earth are in a sense his angels, but this does not disprove the existence of the supernal, heavenly messengers.

The philosophy of heaven is plain that the ninety and nine are not large enough an average for the heavenly fold. God wants that last hundredth sinner to return to the fold.

Jesus Christ lived in close touch with the angels of God. They buoyed Him up. They often surrounded Him in loving ministration.

They surrounded Jesus in His times of crisis. They rejoiced and exulted in His demonstration of power in so many instances.

The angels of God are real, effective and potent influences in the universe. We cannot afford to discredit their existence or their ministrations.

At the close of the sermon the ordinance of baptism was administered. This service is always especially beautiful as administered in this new church building, owing to the very effective illumination.

The sermon for tonight will be upon the theme, "Nebuchadnezzar's Furnaces." Meeting will begin sharp at 7:30. All are invited.

—The Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, NE, Dec. 8, 1909, page 7.

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