Tuesday, April 17, 2007

About the So-Called North Pole!



Dear Sir: — An interesting Editorial in a recent paper, upon the subject of "The North Pole," suggests that the Scriptural dictum, upon the same subject may possibly be new and entertaining to yourself, and also to many of your readers.

It is as true as it is remarkable, that we can find something, at least, in The Holy Bible, about almost any important subject, that will give us "pointers," so to speak, respecting information, which we may be desirous of obtaining, concerning the topic under consideration.

And the subject of the North Pole, is a good illustration of the above statement, for in the Infallible, Inspired and Divine Word of God, "It is written" in Job 26. 7., "He stretcheth out the north over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing."

Hence we see and learn, that Almighty god informs us, that "The North," or the so called "North Pole," is "the empty place." So that to search for the North Pole, is useless, vain and fool-hardy, and all else to the contrary notwithstanding, because God's Holy Word, describes it to be, "the empty place!"

We have no knowledge, information, nor even report, that even the Wild Geese, ever seek this far North, which our God tells us in Holy Writ, is "the empty place!" And yet some men with brains, and originally created in the image of God, still show that they have less "instinct" than the poor Wild Geese; because some men will persist in going on a "fool's errand," in search of the so called North Pole! Too many precious lives, and too much good gold, have already been expended and wasted, in this senseless and fruitless hunt and chase, after a "Will o' the Wisp," and "ignis fatuus," namely, this self-same search for the North Pole!

Why sir, it is akin to the Nursery fable of telling little children to run after the end of the Rain Bow, for behold there, they will surely find a bag of gold! But, if in the Light of God's Word, wherein The Holy Ghost pictures the North and enlightens us, that the North Pole is the empty place" men will persist in getting up expeditions for the North Pole; well then, let it be done at the very least and minimum cost and risk of precious lives, and at the least criminal expenditure and waste of money! And to this end, only very wealthy men or Syndicates of millionaires, should ever think of undertaking the perilous and Quicksotte-ish task of searching out "the empty place;" who, in order to have any chance of obtaining any reasonable success, and above all, avoid and escape the wicked sacrifice, of many men by untimely death, can with their great wealth establish relay stations, as they advance into the Arctic regions, comparatively near each other, and fully and invariably provisioned with all necessary supplies, both of food and of men, for their sustenance and help in time of need. And these relay stations should be made, kept up, and abundantly sustained, just so long as they continue to advance North, and while any one remains in the neighborhood of "the empty place!"

To undertake to search out, or to advance toward "the empty place," in any other way than that, which will lessen to the minimum, the risk of sacrificing precious lives, to say nothing of the sinful extravagance of throwing away money, is to tempt Providence! And no wise Christian will dare to do that?

"Yea, the stork in the heaven knoweth her appointed times; and the turtle and the crane and the swallow observe the time of their coming; but my people know not the judgment of the Lord," Jer. 8, 7.

Now in order to marshall you, dear readers, to look this thing squarely in the face; and that you may be brought to hear, and love and obey God's Blessed Word, and for the good of your own and precious and immortal souls, we consequently throw down this gauntlet, namely, The Holy Bible, from Genesis to Revelation, is "The Word of God," (see Rev. 19, 13); and in one sense, JESUS, because He is the Incarnate Word; and this Word of God is Infallible, Inspired, Divine and Supernatural; therefore we are to believe in, and obey It, as obedient and good children; for our Lord told the Great Apostles, that unless they were converted and became as little children, they could not enter into the Kingdom of Heaven, Matt. 18, 3. And this self same Word of God, is interpreted by the Divine Institution, of all orthodox baptized Believers, who believe in, love, and obey JESUS, as GOD; Amen.

Therefore and consequently we must believe in, love and obey Jehovah's Holy Word, wherein "It is written," "He stretcheth out the North over the empty place, and hangeth the earth upon nothing," Job 26, 7.

The North Pole, is "the empty place."

And may the Lord Jesus, bless all the above, to all that shall ever see, read, or hear it, as to Him seemeth best, for His Great and Dear Name's Sake; Amen.


—The News, Frederick, Maryland, January 11, 1902, page 4.

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