Wednesday, April 25, 2007

German Synod Bans Nazism As Idolatrous and Foolish


Great Protestant Body Issues Rebuke Calling New Religion a "Deadly Danger"

Berlin, March 15.—The Confessional Synod's Brotherhood Council, representing hundreds of thousands of the Protestant clergy and laity throughout Germany, has issued the most outspoken challenge to the National Socialist creed that has been heard in Germany since Chancellor Adolf Hitler came into power and the swastika doctrine became the German state's and people's official philosophy.

In short, the leaders of the Protestant church opposition to Reich Bishop Ludwig Mueller declare national socialism has become or is becoming a form of idolatry and a religious creed that threatens to sacrifice Christianity in Germany to the doctrine of totalitarianism, blood and soil.

The manifesto has been circulated over a wide area and was read from hundreds of Protestant pulpits Sunday, the communication of the declaration of their congregations being mandatory upon the pastors associated with the synod.

"We see for our people," declare the Protestant leaders, "a deadly danger. This danger consists of the new religion.

"The first commandment states: 'Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.' The new religion is disobedient to this first commandment.

"First, through this religion a racial and nationalist view of life has become a creed. Through it blood and race, people, honor and liberty have been raised to the level of divinity.

"Second, faith in an eternal Germany which the new religion requires, has been put in the place of faith in an eternal reich of our Saviour, Jesus Christ.

"Third, this fool's faith induces man to make God in his own image. According to its creed man himself honors, saves and redeems himself.

"Such superstition has nothing to do with positive Christianity. This is the creed of an anti-Christ.

"The state's power and sovereignty are solely a gift from God Who alone founded and preserves human authority.

"Whoever places blood, race and nationality in place of God, the Creator, destroys the state's foundations.

"Earthly sovereignty mistakes the purpose of its heavenly Judge and Protector and the state itself loses its right to demand obedience when it clothes itself with the character of an eternal Reich and makes its authority the final instance in all fields of human life and activity.

"Therefore, the church dares not bow blindly to the totalitarian demands of the state which the new religion has created. Bound to God's word, it is her duty to witness the omnipotence of Jesus Christ, Who alone is empowered to bind and relieve human conscience. To Him alone is given all power in heaven and earth."

This is the first time any organized German group has had the courage to oppose itself publicly to the totalitarian principle upon which the Nazi state and system of society are founded and by which Chancellor Adolf Hitler claims the right to control dictatorially spiritual, intellectual, political and economic life in Germany.

Church Voices Opposition.

"The church must serve God in all that it does," the declaration continues. "Therefore, she must oppose herself to attempts to transform her customs into worldly matters, to the destruction of Sunday's religious character and an attempt to remove Christian elements from her high festivals.

"Fast-rooted in God's word, the church calls for willing obedience and readiness to sacrifice for the state and the people. She warns, however, against superstition and idolatry that can bring on us God's wrath and judgment."

The manifesto's specific purpose, formulated first by the Prussian Confessional Church's Brotherhood Council, then adopted by the Reich Brotherhood Council, is to obtain from the state a final definition on Point 24 in the National Socialist party programme, which asserts the party's plans for "positive Christianity."

Protestant leaders feel the rapid spread of the half-atheistic half-Nordic pagan doctrines of Alfred Rosenberg, reich cultural director, in the ranks of organized National Socialist youth brought the crisis that the state must either meet with a definite about-face or confess it is anti-Christian and determined to destroy Christian confessions unless they bow to the Fuehrer's will.

—Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, March 16, 1935, page 10.

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