Saturday, April 28, 2007

16-Year-Old Welsh Girl Ending Series of Revivals

New Castle, PA, 1910


Maggie Bevan, the 16-year-old Welsh girl who is conducting a series of revivals in the Emmanuel Baptist church, preached her last sermon in the city last night.

Miss Bevan has been attracting large crowds by her truly remarkable sermons.

Her personality is an interesting one. At one time she aspired to be an actress and had determined to go on the stage and be a second Ellen Terry. She is an elocutionist of ability, and is also a singer. One night, she sang at a church meeting in Wales, and was converted. She gave up aspiring to the stage, and took up church work. That was the beginning of her religious labors, that have made her famous. She is a sturdy, athletic, rosy-cheeked, typical Welsh girl. She wears her hair hanging on her shoulders, and wears a sailor suit. When she preaches, she looks straight at her hearers. She says she is not a long-faced Christian, but has as much fun as any other girl.

—New Castle News, New Castle, PA, Dec. 15, 1910, page 8.

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