Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Evangelist Nipper Uses Devil's Words Against Him

Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1916


Evangelist Nipper Urges United Support of Tent Revival.

Revival meetings in progress at the corner of Ewing and Main streets, conducted by the Jones-Nipper evangelistic party, continue of a spiritual nature and last night a large audience heard Rev. Nipper deliver a forceful sermon. The musical program was featured by a duet by Loren Jones, of the Nipper-Jones party, and Guy R. Sutton, well known member of the Lyon evangelistic party, which conducted services in Fort Wayne last year. Mr. Sutton is a visitor in the city. His singing was a feature of revival services during the Lyon campaign.

The meeting on Friday night will be attended by members of the Men's Christian league of the city, who will assemble at the First Baptist church at 7:15 o'clock and march to Calhoun street, to Main street and west to the tent meeting. "The members of the Men's league have a chance to show their colors and to do something in a constructive way," declared Rev. Nipper in his announcement. "We must do something besides drive out the saloons; we must have an even broader vision.

"It takes money to run this campaign and we would like to have the necessary funds to defray all expenses contributed by next Sunday night," continued the pastor. "We now have something over $200 given, but more money is needed." Rev. Nipper announced a donation of $100 by a Fort Wayne resident, whose interest in the revival did not wane despite the fact that he will be out of the city a greater part of the time it is in progress.

Visiting clergymen were given seats on the stage and among those present last night was Rev. T. M. Guild, of Huntington, brother of Rev. D. H. Guild, pastor of the First M. E. church of Fort Wayne.

Rev. C. E. Boyer, pastor of the Crescent avenue Evangelical church, gave the opening prayer. Rev. J. B. Blair gave the offertory prayer. Rev. Nipper made announcements in the absence of Rev. O. E. Tomes, pastor of the West Jefferson street Church of Christ, who was out of the city. Rev. Tomes is chairman of the executive committee of the evangelistic campaign.

The choral work, under direction of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Jones, is still an inspiring spring feature of the revival. Mr. Jones directed the large chorus last night in several selections, which brought out some of the best singing of the protracted meetings.

Rev. Nipper's Sermon.

"Let Us Alone," taken from Mark 1:24, was the subject of Rev. Nipper's sermon, which was in part as follows:

We sometimes take a text of scripture and tell who the author is. You will readily see that these are not the words of Peter, James or John, but that they are the words of Satan. They were spoken when Jesus approached a man who was possessed with the devil.

This cry has rung down through all the ages. It was the cry of Israel, even when they had been delivered from bondage and while in the wilderness. They cried, let us alone and let us go back and serve old Pharaoh. It was the cry of the south when the north took arms and went down there to free the colored people. They cried, let us alone. It is the cry of the liquor traffic when there is a protest against them for unlawful acts. If I had my way I'd have every drop of booze in hell before tomorrow morning. Say, if the average saloonkeeper didn't display any more enthusiasm than the average churchman he'd close up and you could call this a dry town. It is also the cry of the individual. I always feel sorry for the man who is always saying let me alone in my sin. I haven't any patience with the man or woman who will fly up and get sore when you ask him or her to accept the best thing on earth.

Show me a man that is swamped by sin and I'll show you a man that is saying "Let me alone." Show me a city that is wide open and when a law is passed to close it up I will show you a city that is crying, "Let us alone." But here is coming a time when there will be a lot of people left alone, and then half will wish they had a little company of Christian people. Listen when Jesus comes, and his bride is caught up with him, and all the Christian people are caught up with him and nothing left on earth but people that have refused to accept Christ. I say to you I don't want to have any part in that, for it is then that those who have been crying "Let us alone" will be left alone in their sin and can have the time of their lives in it.

Not Found in a Saloon.

I want you to notice that this man was not found in a saloon; he was not found indulging in any game of vice; he was not criticizing the Bible, but he was in the synagogue or in the church. If the devil could be cast out of a lot of people that fill the church pews, it would not take long to close up this dispensation. But someone says, "I don't believe in the devil." Then I wonder who this voice was referring to when it said "us." I am sure that "us" doesn't mean me, and I am sure that it does not mean one person, and if it means two persons, then there must have been someone else there except this man. I am sure the devil was the spokesman for this man and every other man. I tell you when a man gets to the place where he will speak for himself he will always decide for Christ, but as long as he lets the devil decide for him he will never be a Christian, because the devil doesn't want anybody to be a Christian. The devil has given a testimony for Christ. He said: "I know thee who thou art; thou art Jesus, the Son of God." If you are serving the devil you should believe him and if you will believe the devil's testimony you will go out of this place a saved person tonight.

Revival for Parents Needed.

I honor the father and mother who are living their lives before their children, and let me say right here that what we need in Fort Wayne is a revival among the parents of children. Listen to me just a minute. Are you a father of a boy? If so, what kind of a man will he be if he follows in your footsteps? Are you a mother of a girl? If so, what kind of a young lady will she be if she follows in your footsteps? Oh you say, he's a great big-hearted fellow. Well, that may be, but he may be black-hearted as well; it may be a big heart, but not a true heart. Remember, fathers and mothers are going to have to give an account to God for the way they bring up their children. If you are here tonight away from God don't go away from this place saying "Let me alone," but come right now and settle this matter and go away with peace of mind.


If the average saloonkeeper didn't display any more enthusiasm to get business than the average layman does to get members, he'd have to close and you could call this a dry town.

I haven't any patience with the person who flies up and gets mad when you offer him the best thing on earth.

A lot of people think just because they don't believe a thing it isn't true.

A lot of folks want to just take a few things out of the Bible and throw the rest away.

Some people have the Bible in their home for a bluff.

If you will believe the devil's testimony you will go out from this place a saved man.

The person who is saying no to the invitation to accept Christ is letting the devil make the decision for him.

—The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, June 21, 1916, page 4.

Note: Nipper's name, or at least initials, was Rev. J. A. Nipper. The meetings took place in a tent that was pitched for the purpose. The meetings were given under the auspices of the Men's Christian league, the Fort Wayne Ministerial association and the Associated Christian Workers.

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