Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Question Box Service at Presbyterian Church

Illinois, 1911



The pastor had a difficult task Sunday evening at the Question Box Service to decide which question from the Sunday School scholars was the most suggestive and helpful, but it turned out that the two questions that he did it on were written by Jean and Lura Taylor. Jean's question was, "What is it to be a true Christian?" and Lura's referring to the 3 years famine in Israel "Why did the Innocent suffer in this Famine?" The other questions were exceedingly good.

Sunday the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be administered in connection with the morning service. Will not every church member make a special effort to be present?

Mr. Harry Munroe in response to a request from the pastor promises to come up to Arlington Heights soon and give an address on: "Twenty years Gospel Work in the Slums of Chicago." This address will be free to all, but a silver collection will be taken for Mr. Munroe's benefit. We are confident Harry will meet a crowded house.

To develop a familiarity with the books of the Bible the pastor will have an exercise some Sunday soon in finding Bible references. Some ten references will be given out and any boy or girl in the intermediate department of the Sunday School who finds the most references first will be given a prize, there will be a second prize also. These will be medals. The pastor anticipates having a series of such exercises from time to time. As a clue to success learn the books of the Bible in their order.

Hurrah for the "Whirlwind Campaign!" Let prayer be at the bottom of it and animate it. It is a campaign for the honor of our Lord Jesus that he may have a suitable temple for his worship and that beholders seeing it may honor him.

Meeting of the Session at the parsonage at 8 o'clock Saturday evening. Those wishing to unite with the church please be present.

—Daily Herald, Chicago, March 31, 1911.

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