Sunday, April 15, 2007

Crash of World in New War Told to Adventists

Oakland, California, 1922

Elder Arthur G. Daniells of Washington, D.C., world lecturer and traveler, and for more than twenty years president of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, in an address at the Adventist convention in session here, declared that the gospel of Christ and the law of God in the hearts of men is the only solution to the present world conditions that he states are causing leaders to tremble and people to fear.

Using as the base of his talk the topic, "The World Situation as We Face it Tonight, and How to Meet That Situation Triumphantly," Elder Daniells spoke of the various signs which he stated indicated that more trouble was ahead, that nations were preparing for a more terrible war than the one recently brought to a close, and that infernal machines and other contrivances were being perfected for the slaughter of innocent women and children in defenseless cities.

"If the world would accept the only remedy adequate to meet the situation," declared Elder Daniells, "the gospel of Jesus brought into this world and abide by it, the millennium would dawn tomorrow.

"Not another gun would be needed," he continued, "not another war would come. We would no longer need a single jail nor a policeman, nor a court of justice and trial. The gospel of Jesus Christ when it lays hold of a man's heart lifts him above all these things and fits him for the society of angels and to live a right life among men."

The annual Northern California Convention of the Seventh-day Adventists is being held at the huge tent city at East Sixteenth street and Fruitvale avenue, where an evangelistic and educational program is being carried on. Various important business matters of the denomination are to be under discussion during the time of the convention.

—Oakland Tribune, Oakland, California, August 16, 1922, page 4.

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