Thursday, April 12, 2007

Clairvoyant Brought Here From New York To Find Valuable Papers

Fort Wayne, Indiana, 1906

Clairvoyant Powers

Was Brought Here from New York to Locate Some Valuable Papers

Mr. Bauer Astonishes People Who Call to Test His Occult Powers — Reads Thoughts and Tells Past and Future — Insists Upon Giving Satisfaction to His Clients

Without a doubt one of the greatest known clairvoyants in the world today is Mr. Bauer, the distinguished clairvoyant and psychic, who has just come to Fort Wayne from New York.

The marvelous manifestations of his wonderful powers are as far superior to the ordinary palmist and fortune teller as the perfect automobile is to the wheelbarrow.

Those who come to scoff may not remain to pray, but they go away with a puzzled look on their faces, wondering mightily. Perhaps you laugh at first, when you see the rather peculiar methods used by the professor in telling a fortune, but when he commences to talk and pile up fact after fact, which you know to be true even to the smallest detail, your laugh dies away, and you gaze in amazement akin to awe at the mysterious man before you as though he were some uncanny being fresh from another world. You sit chained to the chair with fascination while your past and future are laid bare before you. After answering the final question, you are perplexed and abstractedly draw forth your purse, throwing an inquiring glance at Mr. Bauer. He smiles and asks if you are satisfied, saying that he never accepts payment until assured that a person is perfectly satisfied and that he believes he has received fair return for his money.

Most assuredly the professor differs from other clairvoyants. You laugh, still rather confusedly, and like everyone else, declare that you are glad to pay the small compensation asked. Many affirm no money value can be fixed upon the good they have received.

The professor tells fortunes by astrology and clairvoyance. He is absolutely reliable, and, realizing that merit, brings reward when the reading is over with, you do not have to p»y unless you feel satisfied with what you have been told.

Those who have been humbugged by the hundreds of fake fortune tellers now on the road, will do well to consult Mr. Bauer. He gives advice on business, speculation and courtship. He settles lovers' quarrels, reunites the separated, causes speedy and happy marriages. In fact, everything.

Clairvoyance is a branch of mesmerism, though it is more far-reaching in its effect. In clairvoyance it is the mind reader and not the subject who is affected by the mysterious influence. Mesmerism does not lift the veil of the future, whereas clairvoyance goes beyond the surface of the present and delves into the hidden depths of the "great beyond." Clairvoyance, in short, is a polished and advanced form of mesmerism, which has long been given world-wide recognition.

Mr. Bauer is both a clairvoyant and an astrologer. He possesses, besides, remarkable spiritual powers and employs all three gifts in arriving at the truth of matters presented to him for elucidation.

Mr. Bauer has been studying every phase of this problem since his arrival and feels confident that he will be able to locate the papers. This would, indeed, be a manifestation of occult power which even the most skeptical critic could not sneeze at. There have been many manifestations of mental telepathy in connection with hidden articles, but the recovery of lost papers is an achievement vouchsafed to a few men. If Mr. Bauer crowns his Fort Wayne career with the recovery of the missing documents he will command more respect for clairvoyance and astrology than these mysterious sciences have hitherto enjoyed, though they have not lacked for devotees.

Therefore, it must be said that Mr. Bauer is of the very highest class of clairvoyants. His beliefs are that the material heavens have a moral influence over the earth and its inhabitants. There are some wiseacres who scoff at this idea, not knowing, perhaps, that the first study of the heavens embraced and dominated over every other attempt at science. Astrology was the beginning of science, the first encyclopedia of the world. In the ancient ages physicians consulted the stars before they applied potions and gave nostrums. The cosmogonists explained the earth by the influence of the heavens. The zodiac was the first book that lay open for all to read.

As for clairvoyance it has both supporters and enemies. The theory of clairvoyance, however, is inseparable from a science that has so firmly impressed itself upon the public mind as to leave no doubt of its truthfulness. Reference is made to mesmerism, or hypnotic influence, which of late years has been demonstrated to be as virile an occult force as one could well imagine.

Ladies and gentlemen can visit Mr. Bauer without fear of having their confidence betrayed, as he considers his business a sacred trust. Mr. Bauer can be consulted dally at residence, 1129 Clinton street, near Lewis street. Madam Bauer receives all callers.

Hours — 9 a. m. to 6 p. m. daily. 10 to 4 Sundays. He will positively see no one after hours.

—The Fort Wayne Sentinel, Fort Wayne, Indiana, March 31, 1906, page 4.

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