Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Pastor Tells of Life's Thrills

Oakland, California, 1922

People do get a thrill from night life or from being honored and being in the eyes of the world, but it is a thrill which does not last and results in the constant search for a new variety. This was the contention of Dr. Frank M. Silsley, pastor of the First Presbyterian church, in the sermon delivered at that church last night. In part he said: "The quest of everybody is happiness. We make changes in life, tour the world, and turn to philosophy for the secret of happiness. But the plain teaching of Christ and the Apostles is that the most satisfying thrills are not received from the things of the world.

"It would be foolish to deny what is evident, that people do get a thrill out of night life and from being successful or highly honored, but these thrills do not satisfy. A deadly reaction follows them and leaves the votary nauseated and weary and empty. The endeavor to get out only pleasures out of the world is not treating our souls according to the spiritual nature. We were made for fellowship of God. Night life and syncopated orchestras do not satisfy anyone's spiritual nature. True thrills in life come from sinless recreations.

"Let people play games. The municipal golf links are one of our greatest social institutions. The secret of true pleasure above everything is the joy that comes from believing Christ. Faith gives us the victory over self, over circumstances, and the spirit of the age. A great thrill comes from having Christ as our companion. And possibly the greatest thrill comes from serving Christ and men. There is unspeakable joy in helping the needy, in social uplift work, in leading lives to Christ and endeavoring to promote the kingdom of love, righteousness and justice in the world."

-Oakland Tribune, Oakland, California, September 18, 1922, page 14B.

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