Thursday, April 12, 2007

Pastor Preaching Tomorrow on the Wrath of God

Oakland, California, 1940

'Reason for Wrath Of God' Subject

Rev. Harold L. Thatcher, minister of the Pioneer Memorial Methodist Church, will preach tomorrow night on the subject "The Reason for the Wrath of God." He says: "Are people of the 20th century to understand that St. Paul was in error when he referred to an angry God, and also to the wrath of God? We hear a great deal concerning the love of God today, but comparatively little concerning the wrath of God. Yet the same Bible and the same New Testament which tells of God's love for man also reminds us and admonishes us concerning His anger and wrath over man's sin."

The minister speaks at 10:50 a.m. on "The General Epistle of Jude."

'Confession' to be Theme

"An Experience: a Confession" will be the subject of the sermon by the pastor, Dr. George M. Derbyshire, at the First Baptist Church tomorrow morning. He says: "The root of a vital Christian life is an experience that is real and the practical phases of that experience are not felt individually or socially unless there is a real confession. Perhaps we have more religious experience than is apparent on the surface of things but it certainly is not being expressed. This expression is sorely needed in our American life."

"Thou Art Weighed" will be the evening topic. The pastor "will present a look at our National and international situation through an ancient experience of a king whose conscience was troubled and through that disturbed mental state saw the judgment of God in the handwriting on the wall. Perhaps God's judgment is more apparent to us today than it was to this ancient monarch. His hand seems already to have written a sentence of judgment."

'Clear Perception of Life' Will be Subject at Unity

At the Oakland Unity Truth Center tomorrow morning at the Women's City Club auditorium, Rose Emery will take for her subject "A Clear Perception of Life." The sermons during July are based on the lessons from Unity School of Christianity in Kansas City.

"In God We Trust" is the topic of the second of the patriotic lessons on Tuesday night at the Ebell auditorium at 8 o'clock by Rose Emery.

'Conditions in World' Theme

"Noah and His Ark, Christ and His Church" or "World Conditions in the Light of Scriptural Prophecy" will be the sermon subject of Dr. J. N. Hoover, guest speaker at Havenscourt Colonial Church, Church of the Crimson Cross, tomorrow morning at the 11 o'clock service. Dr. Hoover, who is a nationally known Bible teacher, is filling the pulpit in the absence of the pastor, Rev. Baldwin H. Sherman.

In the evening at 7:30. Dr. Hoover will speak on "Jimmy and His Luck," or "Where and How God Speaks to Man." This will be an evangelistic service and will include a large Young People's Choir with special music and choruses.

Rev. Amster to Give Two Sabbath Sermons

Dealing with the world-wide plight of the Jewish people and the efforts of his organization to reach them with material and spiritual relief, Rev. Herbert H. Amster, Christian Jew, native of Vienna and now an American citizen, will deliver two addresses tomorrow at the College Avenue Church, 2740 College Avenue, Berkeley, it was announced by the pastor, Dr. Louis R. Patmont.

Reverend Amster, who represents the American Board of Missions to the Jews, has chosen for his topic at the 11 o'clock morning service "The Jews' Uniqueness," and for the 7:30 o'clock evening service "The Jews' Confession."

—Oakland Tribune, Oakland, California, July 13, 1940, page 4.

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