Tuesday, April 17, 2007

"Life's Story Book," Message at First Baptist

Middletown, New York, 1914

First Baptist

First Baptist church, Forest Preston Hunter, minister — Sunday school 9:45 a.m. Adult classes 10 o'clock. Morning worship followed by the Lord's Supper. The usual communion address will be preceded by an object talk to children. Christian Endeavor 5:30 p.m. Evening worship with sermon 7:30. Subject, "Life's Story Book." All seats free. Everybody welcome. The week of prayer will be observed Tuesday evening and concluding Friday evening.

Lodge to Entertain Pastor

W. M., J. Harry Ward, of Hoffman Lodge, No. 412, F. and A. M., has been invited to attend Goshen Lodge, No. 365, F. and A. M., on Monday night, when the latter lodge will entertain Rev. Madison C. Peters, D. D., of New York city, who will speak on "What Masonry Stands For." This invitation was also extended to the other officers and members of Hoffman Lodge.

Seventh Day Adventist

The lecture of Pastor R. J. Bryant, in Grange Hall, Franklin Square, on Sunday night at 7.30 will be one of the most solemn import to every individual. The subject will be "God's Message For To-day." The impressive anthem "The Holy City," illustrated by stereopticon views, will be rendered by S. Ogden, the tenor soloist.

—Middletown Daily Times-Press, Middletown, New York, January 3, 1914, page 5.

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