Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Hindu Lecturer to be at 14th St. M.E. Church

Traverse City, Michigan, 1911

Church Brevities

Asbury Methodist Episcopal Church. The pastor will speak morning and evening. Morning subject: "Our Daily Bread." This is the sixth in a series of sermons on "The Lord's Prayer." Evening subject: "Spoiling God's Plan."

Oak Park Church. Rev. Sundberg of the Swedish church will occupy the pulpit both morning and evening. On Thursday evening June 1st, Mr. Allington will give his farewell sermon, before leaving for his new field, and he earnestly desires that the eastside people will be present for this last service together.

Fourteenth St. M. E. Church. Services tomorrow as follows: Morning at 10:30, conducted by the Rev. G. W. Plews. Subject, "The Vision That Encourages." Evening at 7:30, J. Mohammad Ali of Lahore, India, will deliver his interesting lecture on "The Transformation of Hammad." This cultured Hindoo gentleman is a very capable speaker and will certainly help those who hear him to more perfectly understand conditions of life in India.

--The Record-Eagle, Traverse City, Michigan, May 27, 1911

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