Friday, April 13, 2007

French Astronomer Studies the Soul for Fifty Years



French Astronomer Presents Some Original Ideas

PARIS, June 5.— Conclusions of Camill Plammarion, the French astronomer, from the study of a few hundred cases along purely scientific lines, and apart from religious or spiritualistic viewpoints, are that the soul lives after decomposition of the body, and is endowed with faculties still unknown to science and can manifest itself at a distance without the mediation of the senses.

"I have spent fifty years studying the soul," the astronomer said, "and have applied to it the same rules as to scientific research. I excluded every example which would not stand the test of scientific verification."

Among the proofs offered by the astronomer are cases of dead physicians fulfilling promises and giving warnings of events which afterwards materialized, even such as the execution of vengeance for wrongs through mediums unaware of the wrongs done.

—The Nebraska State Journal, Lincoln, Nebraska, June 6, 1922, page 1.

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