Friday, April 13, 2007

Brother Love to Preach on "Hand to Hand Soul Winning"

Van Wert, Ohio, 1917


Services of Especial Interest at First United Brethren Church

The services of the entire day yesterday at the First United Brethren Church were most inspiring. There was a very large attendance at the mid winter rally in the Sunday School and Dr. Siddall preached to a large and appreciative audience from Rom. 8:31, "What then shall we say to these things? If God is for us who can be against us?"

In the afternoon the Auditorium was quite well filled with parents and teachers who were interested in hearing the magnificent address on "The Religious Life of Childhood."

In the evening Dr. Siddall preached to a fall house on "The Best Appeal for a New Life," using Romans 8:4: "Despisest thou the riches of His goodness and forbearance and long suffering, not knowing that the goodness of God leadeth thee to repentance?"

The "power room" meeting is at 7:15 tonight and evangelistic services at 7:30, which will continue throughout the week. At the close of tonight's service Dr. Siddall will meet the officers and teachers of the Sunday School for a conference. Day services will begin tomorrow afternoon. The theme tomorrow afternoon will be a continuation of the Sunday afternoon service. The public is most welcome to every service.

The Friends Church is making all preliminary arrangements this week to begin a big revival campaign next Sunday. A meeting will be held at the church Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. for all those who are willing to assist in personal work. Not only are members of the church invited to this, but all others. There will be preaching service Thursday evening at 7:30. At nine o'clock each morning the church bell rings. This is for the purpose of calling upon all Christians to unite in prayer for a mighty revival of the old time religion to come to this community. This prayer service has been observed by the church for more than a year.

The special services in the Presbyterian Church will be continued this week every evening except Saturday. Rev. W. B. Love, of Sidney whose preaching has been so helpful and popular will preach his last sermon in his series tonight. His theme will be "Hand to Hand Soul Winning." Misses Lillian and Thelma Jones will sing a duet at this service. The hour for meeting will be 7:00 o'clock. There in a welcome for all at these meetings.

Rev. C. A. Glass, the evangelist, gospel singer and violinist, who has been conducting meetings at the Evangelical Church, will tell the story of his life in a lecture entitled "Light in the Darkness," at that church, this evening, at seven thirty o'clock. Admission will be free. A silver offering will be taken.

The Sunday service of the Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian Church was in charge of the newly elected officers: President, Miss Helen Humphreys; Vice President, Miss Marjorie Stutsmnn; Secretary, Miss Grave Purmort; Pianist, Miss Lenore Early.

Rev. and Mrs. W. B. Love and little Daughter, Dorothy, of Sidney, are guests of Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Christie, of Elm street. Rev. Love and Rev. Christie exchanged pulpits Sunday evening.

The R. F. Kiger's Sunday School Class of the First M. E. Church will be entertained by Miss Agnes Brown, Tuesday evening, at the Y. W. C. A. Every member is urged to be present.

The services at St. Mary's Catholic Church on Candlemas Day will begin promptly at seven o'clock a.m.

A community prayer service will be held tomorrow morning, at 9:30 o'clock at the City Hall.

—The Van Wert Daily Bulletin, Van Wert, Ohio, January 29, 1917, page 3.

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