Monday, April 16, 2007

Baptists Rally Here In Sunday Services With Large Audiences

Ada, Oklahoma, 1922

The First Baptist church had a good day yesterday. There were 408 in Sunday school and large congregations at both services. At the morning hour the pastor preached on the subject of "A Fearless Preacher". Among other things he said was that the day had come when the ministry must sound out in no uncertain tones against present day evils.

"Political graft and corruption in office by scheming politicians is a challenge to every preacher," he said. "No God-called preacher can afford to keep silent. It is a part of his task. We must get back to the messages of the ministers of a generation ago."

The B. Y. P. U. had a combined attendance of 151.

At the evening hour the pastor preached on the subject "Christ in the Storms of Life." One of the largest congregations ever seen at the church was present. Many people stood throughout the service, because they were unable to get seats.

There were four additions to the church at the service, and six people were baptized at the close of the evening hour.

—The Ada Evening News, Ada, Oklahoma, December 4, 1922, page 3.

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