Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Annie Besant Announces Second Coming of Christ



Annie Besant Announces Second Coming of Christ

London, May 15.—Annie Besant, who is here from India, announces the impending reincarnation of Christ.

"Everything tends to show that the time is at hand," said she, "for the arrival of the great world teacher. Physical and social changes throughout the world tell that the age of militarism is closing and that fraternity is to be the watchword. The future Anglo-American peace treaty is one sign but the world's peace is unachievable politically. It will result in a vast spiritual movement, unifying all warring creeds. This will be the task of the coming teacher prefigured in the Christian dogma as the second coming of Christ. It is not far distant. Then a new age will open."

—Indiana Evening Gazette, Indiana, Pennsylvania, May 15, 1911, page 3.

Clairvoyant Delmore

The most powerful and reliable medium in the world now at the Central Hotel, three more days. Call and consult her at once. She tells just what you wish to know, no matter what your troubles are. She can throw light on any subject, however dark, and help you when all else fails. Fees in the reach of all. Room No. 14, upstairs. Walk in.

—same, page 1.

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