Saturday, April 5, 2008

Keeps Women Silent, How Does He Do It?


Pastor Finds Long-sought-for Method of Hushing Talkative Sex.

Women are not allowed to preach or to bear rule or authority in the church at Zion City, Ill., near Chicago.

"I will not allow any woman to come on the platform and preach or teach," said Overseer Voliva. "Paul said, 'Let the women keep silent in the churches,' and in Zion no woman can be a public speaker. No woman is entitled to bear rule or to be placed in authority. When the apostles were selected, there wasn't a woman among them. When God chose a prophet, or a messenger, he always chose a man."

Here are some of the things that a woman can do, according to Voliva:

She can stay at home and mend socks; wash the dishes; knit and darn; cook; keep her home and her children clean and tidy, and she can be an angel of mercy to the sick and distressed. But she can't preach.

Besides accepting the apostle Paul as an authority on woman's place. Voliva also takes the position that woman was to be subject to man, from creation down. Voliva gives as his reasons for this position that Adam was first created, then woman was created from the rib of man, and that Eve was first in the transgressions in the Garden of Eden. She didn't keep her place, and not only got into trouble, but dragged man into trouble after her.

—The Saturday Blade, Chicago, Jan. 3, 1920, p. 5.

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