Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sow Your Wild Oats, You'll Regret It


Edward Bok said in the Sunday School Times, relative to a young man "sowing his wild oats:" "No man has ever passed through a period of indiscreet living during his early manhood without regretting the memory of it in after years. Nor has any man, by reason of 'sowing his wild oats,' known one iota more of 'life,' except that particular phase of it, which, if it had a glitter for him in youth, became a repellent remembrance to him in his more mature years. The reputation that comes of right living and good character is what the man of forty to seventy desires, and nothing but the well-spent years of early life can secure this."

—The Ram's Horn, March 17, 1900, p. 17

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