Saturday, April 12, 2008

Business and Religion


The People's Forum

Do business and religion go together? — JAMES CRAIG, Starkville, Colo.

Why not? Is religion merely for dress parade on the Sabbath? Is it possible for a Christian man not to carry his religion with him into his business, professional or social life? If religion transforms a man thoroughly he would no sooner think of dealing unjustly with his fellows than he would of committing highway robbery. That a Christian business man is beset by many temptations and surrounded with pitfalls we are all candid enough to admit. Keen competition on the part of rivals, who are less scrupulous than he, threatens oftentimes to destroy both income and capital. Many have gone down to financial ruin in such extremity, but their Christian light sustained them and made them shining examples of Christian heroism. The majority of failures are not among Christian men, but rather among those who temporized, falsified statements and finally buried their good name with the financial wreck. In extremity the true Christian business man always has an enormous leverage in his hold upon public opinion where his non-Christian rival has not. Therefore, considered from any point of view we say religion and business do go together to uplift humanity and place all transactions on a higher level. Mr. Moody once said to J. V. Farwell, "Don't you see anything more in business than these boxes and goods?" The inquiry was characteristic of him, and through it he reached a great merchant's heart. It made transactions which footed up yearly into millions sink into insignificance compared with a conscience void of offence toward God and man, the blessings of a Christian life and the salvation of men.

—The Ram's Horn, March 17, 1900, p. 8.

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