Sunday, April 13, 2008

Mission Notes


Statistics declare that in the entire kingdom of Spain there are only 3,230 children in attendance upon Sunday Schools.

Fifty years ago there were not fifty medical missionaries in the world. Fifteen years since there were but 250; while today there are over 600.

China, the greatest mission field in all the world, with at least 386,000,000 people, has a total of only 2,500 Protestant missionaries. Nearly one-fifth of these are ordained ministers.

The Zulu Bible, published by the American Bible Society, is an influential factor in South African affairs. "Whatever happens in the Transvaal," says the secretary, "the Bible will not cease to do its silent work."

It has been proposed by many who have been touched by the manner in which the six children of the Rev. D. H. and Mrs. Lee met their death in the recent disaster at Darjeeling, to perpetuate their memory by erecting a permanent institution, known as "The Dennett Training School and Home for Bengali Girls" in Calcutta. Mrs. F. L. Sperry, of Mt. Lake Park, Md., will give further information.

A Christian Endeavor meeting is held every Monday evening among the five troops of the United States cavalry stationed at Puerto Principe, Cuba. Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, has a Christian Endeavor Society, organized in December, 1899. One active member is a native, a clerk, that has learned to speak English well. There are four Puerto Rican associate members.

—The Ram's Horn, March 17, 1900, p. 18.

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