Saturday, April 19, 2008

Doing Good a Blessing to Ourselves

If we view this microcosm, the human body, we shall find that the heart does not receive the blood to store it up; but while it pumps it in at one valve, it sends it forth at another. The blood is always circulating everywhere, and is stagnant nowhere. The same is true of all the fluids in a healthy body; they are in a constant state of expenditure. If one cell stores for a few moments its peculiar secretion, it only retains it till it is perfectly fitted for its appointed use in the body; for if any cell in the body should begin to store up its secretion, its store would soon become the cause of inveterate disease. Nay, the organ would soon lose the power to secrete at all, if it did not give forth its products.

The whole of the human system lives by giving. The eye can not say to the foot: "I have no need of thee, and will not guide thee." For if it does not perform its watchful office, the whole man will be in the ditch, and the eye will be covered with mire. If the members refuse to contribute to the general stock, the whole body will become poverty-stricken, and be given up to the bankruptcy of death. Let us learn, then, from the analogy of nature, the great lesson that, to get, we must give; that, to accumulate, we must scatter; that, to make ourselves happy, we must make others happy; and that, to get good and become spiritually vigorous, we must do good and seek the spiritual good of others. — SPURGEON.

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