Thursday, April 24, 2008



To the People of the State of Maine:

Whereas, the Maine State Sunday School Association has called my attention to a general movement having for its object the arousing of interest in Sunday School work and increasing of Sunday School attendance, and has requested me to issue a proclamation for the purpose of advancing this movement in the State of Maine, and

Whereas, the Maine State Sunday School Association has appointed Sunday, October eighth, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen, as "Go to Sunday School Day," to be observed with appropriate exercises by Sunday schools of all denominations represented in the association:

Therefore, I, Oakley C. Curtis, Governor of Maine, do hereby proclaim Sunday, October eight, one thousand nine hundred and sixteen, as "Go to Sunday School Day," and commend to the people the observance of this day by attending Sunday School in the church of their choice.

Given under my hand and the great seal of the State of Maine, in the executive chamber at Augusta, in the year of our Lord one thousand nine hundred and sixteen, and of the State of Maine the ninety-seventh.
By the Governor.
Secretary of State.

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