Friday, April 18, 2008

Spiritual Affability

Let us be approachable in reference to spiritual things, and we shall soon have the joy of seeing others taking a light from us. We know people to whom no one would ever speak in the hour of trial; as well might they make a pillow of a thorn-bush. If people to whom they have never been introduced were to intrude their personal sorrows, they would be looked at with one of those searchers which read you from top to toe, and at the same time wither you up. On the other hand, there are faces which are a living advertisement running thus: "Good Accommodation for Man and Grief." You are sure of a friend here. —SPURGEON.

Take A Light

Certain persons are like harbors of refuge, to which every vessel will run in distress. When you want to ask your way in the street, you instinctively shun the stuck-up gentleman of importance; and you most readily put the question to the man with the smiling face and the open countenance. In our church we have friends who seem to say to everybody: "Take a light." May their number be greatly multiplied!

It should be a joy to hold a candle to another. It will not waste our own light to impart it. — SPURGEON.

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