Monday, April 7, 2008

Her Sacrifice


The Rev. Cyrus T. Brady says in his book of missionary reminiscences: "I was once preaching about missions, urging the congregation to make some sacrifice for the missionary cause and indicating to them several methods by which they could follow my advice. Among other things I suggested that they refrain from purchasing any book which they very much desired and donate the money to me instead for my missionary work. I happened to have perpetrated a book myself.

"You will therefore understand my feelings when, a very bright woman in the congregation came up to me and handed me $1 with the remark, 'I had intended to buy your book and read it, Mr. Brady, but I have concluded to follow your advice and give you the money for missions instead.'

"I accepted the situation gracefully and told her I would lend her my own copy of the book to read. She smiled and thanked me, and as she did so I voiced my thought in this way, 'But after all Mrs. R., there does not seem to be any sacrifice on your part in this transaction, for you have the happy consciousness of having given the money for missions and yet have the book as well.'

" 'No sacrifice?' she replied. 'Why, have to read the book!' "

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