Monday, April 28, 2008

A New Book – The Bible

There are dark and mysterious things in the Bible now, but when you begin to trust Christ your eyes will be opened, and the Bible will be a new book to you. It will become the Book of books to you. — MOODY.

While the works of once famous skeptics are left to rot on book shelves, every year sees the Bible translated into some new tongue, acquire a greater influence, and receive a wider circulation. — GUTHRIE.

I haven't found the first man who ever read the Bible from back to back carefully who remained an infidel. My friends, the Bible of our mothers and fathers is true. — MOODY.

In the waters of life, the Divine Scriptures, there are shallows and there are deeps; shallows where the lamb may wade, and deeps where the elephant may swim. — HALL.

Peruse the works of our philosophers with all their pomp of diction; how contemptible they are, compared with the Scriptures! — J. J. ROUSSEAU.

If God is a reality, and the soul is a reality, and you are an immortal being, what are you doing with your Bible shut? — HERRICK JOHNSON.

There are over two hundred passages in the Old Testament which prophesied about Christ, and every one of them has come true. — MOODY.

Time can take nothing from the Bible. Like the sun, it is the same in its light and influence to man this day which it was ages ago. — CECIL.

The Bible is the most thought-suggesting book in the world. No other deals with such grand themes. — HERRICK JOHNSON.

No crisis has ever yet appeared when Christ's Word was not ready to take the van of human movement. — KER.

The Bible is a window in this prison-world through which we may look into eternity. — TIMOTHY DWIGHT.

One gem from that ocean is worth all the pebbles from earthly streams. — ROBERT McCHEYNE.

We count the Scriptures of God to be the most sublime philosophy. — SIR ISAAC NEWTON.

Liberty without the Bible is either dead or delirious. — GUTHRIE.

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