Saturday, July 26, 2008

A Vesper Choral Service

New York, 1895

A vesper choral service will be given in the Reformed church, Jamaica, on Sunday evening, the 19th, at 7.30, and for the first time in Jamaica will be sung Mendelsohn's great cantata "Hear My Prayer." This noble work is a rare treat to all lovers of good music. The solo will be sung by L. P. Wilkes; the other numbers to be sung are the "Gloria" from Farmer's Mass, a duet for tenor and bass, "Jesus Lover of My Soul," sung by Messrs. Jones and Hardenbrook, and an anthem, "The Lord is My Shepherd," arranged by Leo Kopler. Miss Irene Brinckerhoff will preside at the organ. J. W. Jones will conduct the singing. A short address will be given by the Rev. Edgar Tilton, Jr., the pastor. On Sunday evening, May 26, the "Inflammatus," from Rossini's "Stabet Mater" will be sung.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, May 17, 1895, p. 8.

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