Wednesday, July 16, 2008



How often our most innocent speeches "gang agley," leaving us with no resource but that of making the best of a bad matter!

A certain Scotch minister is wont to relate how, having been out all day visiting, he called on an old dame well known for her kindness and hospitality.

After some conversation she began getting out her best china and whatever delicacies were at hand to honor her unexpected guest. As he sat watching the preparations his eye suddenly fell on four or five cats devouring some cold porridge under the table.

"Dear me, Miss Black," he observed, "what a number of cats! Do they all belong to you?"

"Na, na, sir," was the innocent reply, "but mony a time I say that a' the hungry brutes in the parish come tae me, seeking a meal o' meat."

Then the good woman bethought her and in her embarrassment nearly dropped a teacup. — Youth's Companion.

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