Thursday, July 3, 2008

Mrs. Taylor Honored

New York, 1895

On Friday evening the members of the Mercy and Help department of the Epworth league of the M. E. Church, Jamaica, paid a surprise visit to the president of the department, Mrs. W. Salvin Taylor, at her residence on Grand street, Jamaica. About thirty members were present.

During the evening Mrs. George W. Burnham, on behalf of the members of the committee, presented Mrs. Taylor with a marine and landscape view in water colors, and in doing so referred in eulogistic terms to the work accomplished by the department during the past year, and expressed regret that the severance of the pleasant relations which have existed is about to take place.

In a few words Mrs. Taylor acknowledged the great kindness shown her on all sides, and the valuable aid she had received from the members of the committee. Mr. Taylor and family will remove to Jersey City on May 1. His eldest daughter will leave for England in June.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, April 19, 1895, p. 8.

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