Saturday, July 26, 2008

Rev. Phraner Preached Sunday

New York, 1895

Jamaica Church Notes.

The Rev. William Phraner occupied the pulpit in the Reformed church Sunday evening.

The dedication of St. Mary's statue will take place May 23. The Rev. P. F. McNamara will officiate.

The Rev. J. Howard Hobbs is attending the Presbyterian General Assembly at Pittsburg, Penn., as a delegate from the Presbytery of Nassau.

The Rev. Edgar J. Tilton and Ditmars Eldert have been appointed delegates to the General Synod of the Reformed church, which meets at Grand Rapids, Mich., June 5.

Ascension Day falls on Thursday, May 23. The full choral service, with anthems, will be sung at Grace church in the evening. The following Sunday will be the first anniversary of the boy choir, and they will then repeat the music which they sang on the opening day. Master Holt will sing "The Holy City," which was originally given by Master Frank Sims, of St. George's church, Brooklyn. Master Holt is developing, in the estimation of his friends, into an exceptionally fine soprano.

—The Long Island Farmer, Jamaica, NY, May 17, 1895, p. 8.

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