Monday, July 14, 2008



A few years ago, when "Hold the Fort" was one of the new and popular hymns, the superintendent of a Sunday school took a great dislike to the song. After hearing the story readers may be disposed to think that his antipathy was not without reason.

It was at a children's day exercise of the Sunday school. The arrangements were for the whole school, headed by the superintendent, to make a triumphal entry into the church, in which the audience were already seated. Accordingly a hundred or more boys and girls formed in line, each class headed by its teacher, and carrying banners marched in at one of the side entrances. As they marched they sang "Hold the Fort." The superintendent, smiling and perhaps a little pompous, led the way.

At the moment of entering the church they were beginning the second stanza, which runs:

See the mighty host advancing,
Satan leading on.

The audience was quick to appreciate the ludicrousness of the situation, and a ripple of amusement went through the church. Several in the procession stopped singing and smiled. The awkwardness of his position dawned on the superintendent, and he turned very red. Some of the children, seeing their elders smiling, laughed outright.

A complete breakdown was imminent when one of the teachers began to sing "Onward, Christian Soldiers." This was immediately taken up by the whole school, and a fairly successful entry was made. "Hold the Fort" has never since been a favorite with that Sunday school. — Youth's Companion.

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