Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Thought the Bishop a Thief


The following story is told in a Chicago paper about Bishop Potter:

The good bishop was attending a gathering of church dignitaries in Boston, and while in that city was entertained in the home of a wealthy lady who was an old, though not an intimate acquaintance.

In the room assigned to him Bishop Potter found a full set of silver toilet articles, which he carefully packed away in the drawers of the dresser, preferring to use his own, which he had in his portmanteau.

His visit came to a sudden conclusion, and the bishop had no time to restore the toilet articles to their proper places, and in consequence the servant reported them missing to her mistress, adding that Bishop Potter must have taken them.

Of course it was not to be for a moment thought that the articles had been maliciously purloined, but they were gone, and so was the reverend guest.

The following telegram was sent to Bishop Potter: "By mistake and in your haste you have taken toilet articles from dresser."

To this Bishop Potter made reply over the wire: "Poor, but still honest. Find property in third drawer of dresser."

Of course many and ample apologies were offered and every effort made to keep the affair quiet, but the joke was too good, and Bishop Potter was the first to relate it.

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